Saturday, December 5, 2009

Now is the Time to Say NO to Paying Taxes

Now is the time to metaphorically FUCK NObama in his ass! WAKE UP PEOPLE! NOBAMA is nothing more than the front man for the same people who have been in charge of this country for nearly 100 years! For those of you have your doubts about this; educate yourselves!

You cannot nor should you trust the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, OR MSM. They are all in on it. In fact, the MSM is nothing more than the PROPAGANDA arm for the individuals who have stolen our country through the CRIMINAL FEDERAL RESERVE and the complete infiltration of our political system. Understand, EISENHOWER tried to warn us! Understand, KENNEDY tried to warn us! (they killed him for that) Understand, they WILL NOT be defeated until we SHUT THEM DOWN!

If you are one of the individuals who continue to file a tax return and pay taxes, YOU HAVE THE BLOOD OF INNOCENT'S ON YOUR HANDS! If you are a conscientious objector, like myself, it is actually VERY EASY to not pay taxes.

When you go to work on Monday, ask for a new W-4 form. When you fill it out, simply claim 10 or 15 exemptions. That's it. YOU will get to keep the fruit of your labor. The miniscule amount of taxes that THE CRIMINAL U.S. GOVERNMENT takes out will barely be enough to buy them 1 taser, much less be enough to KILL the countless innocent civilians who are MURDERED each day at the hands of the CRIMINAL U.S. GOVERNMENT.

Then, when April 15th, 2010 comes around, FUCK THEM! Don't file a tax return. Look in the United States Constitution, nowhere to be found is anything that says that you are required to file a tax return.

Don't worry about be caught! I haven't filed a tax return since 1991 and they still haven't gotten me! When 10 million or more of us say FUCK YOU to the CRIMINAL U.S. GOVERNMENT, they will have their hands full trying to even count how many of us don't file to even think of trying to track us all down.


1 comment:

  1. Can you elaborate please? 10 to 15 exemptions...what's that mean?
